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From the Pastor's Desk

Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our new website. The Progressive Church of our Lord Jesus Christ is committed to spreading the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and doing all we can to share his love with a world in need of the Savior. We aim to help every believer to "grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ" and continue in the apostles doctrine.

Our church was established in 1974 by our late pastor Elder Wilbert Young and he served faithfully for 40 years. It was his desire to stress the importance of being righteous before God and to live a life of holiness before the Lord.

We invite you to visit our church at your convenience and we will welcome you with love and kindness.


May God Bless and Keep You Always!

In Christ,

Elder Henry Watson, Pastor

Sister Carrie Watson and Pastor Henry Watson
Sister Carrie Watson and Pastor Henry Watson
Progressive Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Inc., Saluda, SC
(864) 445-3710
347 N. Bouknight Ferry Rd.
Saluda, SC 29138
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